Republican Nomination
1. Trump: 27.4%
2. Carson: 22.8%
3. Rubio: 9%
4. Cruz: 7.7%
5. Bush: 7.3%
6. Fiorina: 4%
7. Paul: 3.1%
8. Kasich: 2.9%
9. Huckabee: 2.7%
10. Christie: 2.3%
11. Graham: 0.7%
12. Jindal: 0.6%
13. Santorum: 0.5%
14. Pataki: 0.2%
15. Gilmore: 0%
Others/Undecided/None of the above/Wouldn't vote: 8.8%
Spread: Trump +4.6
RNC: Trump: 61%; Carson: 23%; Rubio: 10%; Cruz: 6%; Bush: 0%; Others: 0%
Democratic Nomination
1. Clinton: 54.2%
2. Sanders: 27.8%
3. O'Malley: 2.2%
4. Lessig: 1%
Others/Undecided/None of the above/Wouldn't vote: 14.8%
Spread: Clinton +26.4
Subractions: Jim Webb (dropped out of race), Lincoln Chafee (dropped out of race), Joe Biden (declined to run)
DNC: Sanders: 58%; Clinton: 42%; Others: 0%