Monday, October 12, 2015

Presidential Primaries: September Polling Averages

Trump's Lead Shrinks As Carson, Fiorina, Rubio Rise; Gap Between Clinton and Sanders Narrows

Republican Nomination

1. Trump: 26.7%
2. Carson: 15.9%
3. Rubio: 9.2%
4. Fiorina: 9.1%
5. Bush: 9%
6. Cruz: 6.1%
7. Christie: 3.7%
8. Paul: 3.5%
9. Kasich: 3.3%
10. Huckabee: 2.7%
11. Santorum: 1%
12. Jindal: 0.9%
13. Gilmore: 0.6%
14. Pataki: 0.2%
15. Graham: 0.2%
Others/Undecided/None of the above/Wouldn't vote: 7.9% 
Spread: Trump +10.8

Subtractions: Rick Perry (dropped out of race), Scott Walker (dropped out of race)

RNC: Trump 54%; Carson: 14%; Fiorina: 13%; Rubio: 11%; Cruz: 5%; Bush: 3%; Others: 0%

Democratic Nomination

1. Clinton: 43.3%
2. Sanders: 26.3%
3. Biden: 19%
4. O'Malley: 0.9%
5. Webb: 0.6%
6. Chafee: 0.3%
7. Lessig: 0%
Others/Undecided/None of the above/Wouldn't vote: 9.6%
Spread: Clinton +17

Addition: Lawrence Lessig (Harvard law professor, MA)

DNC: Sanders: 49%; Clinton: 34%; Biden: 17%; Others: 0%


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